
intracranial tumour

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Đurović, B. ., Radulović, D. ., Joković, M. ., Cvrkota, I. ., Đurović, M. ., Jovanović, N. ., & Aleksić, V. . (2021). Intracranial myopericitoma: A case report of a rare tumour in a rare location in an AIDS patient. Romanian Neurosurgery, 35(3), 281–284. https://doi.org/10.33962/roneuro-2021-047


Myopericytoma is a benign, soft tissue tumor probably derived from perivascular myoid cells. They are usually found in subcutaneous tissues in the extremities. Intracranial localization of myopericitoma is exceedingly uncommon. We report a 43 years old male patient with incidentally found myopericitoma of the posterior fossa. Patient was operated and tumor was completely removed. Patient was subsequently diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome due to human immunodeficiency virus infection. One year after operation tumor showed no signs of recurrence, but patient developed progressive symptoms of AIDS and started highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Connection of intracranial myopericitoma appearance and HIV/AIDS has been reported before, but clear connection is yet to be elucidated.



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