
movement disorders
blood-brain barrier
high focused ultrasound

How to Cite

Dabija, M. G. ., Nechifor, I. S. ., Dabija, V. A. ., Costachescu, B. ., & Eva, L. . (2021). The role of MRI-guided focused ultrasound in neurosurgery: A narrative review. Romanian Neurosurgery, 35(2), 143–147. https://doi.org/10.33962/roneuro-2021-022


Introduction. MRgFUS is a novel technology, which can have profound implications in the current treatment of neurological disorders. Its applications range widely, from the alteration of the blood-brain barrier, ablation of tumours to the treatment of movement disorders.

Objective. To review, following thorough research of the literature, the principles of its use in the treatment of neurological diseases and the main reported evidence of its clinical implementation.

Material and method. Interrogation of the MEDLINE database, using the PubMed search engine, for the following  MESH words: “MRgFUS”, “FUS” “BRAIN”, from 2000 to the current year.

Conclusion. MRgFUS can be safely used today for the treatment of Essential Tremor. New research is warranted for the evaluation of its safety and effectiveness in other neurological disorders.



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